The Primrose Railway Children

The Primrose Railway Children

Συγγραφέας: Jacqueline Wilson

Εκδότης: Penguin

Κατάστημα: €11.55
Web: €10.16
Οριακό απόθεμα (5-15 ημέρες)
Σχόλια Χρηστών

The Primrose Railway Children is a gorgeous, heartwarming story of family secrets and new adventures. Make sure to catch both The Railway Children and The Railway Children Return in cinemas this summer! Sit back and enjoy the journey!Phoebe Robinson loves making up stories - just like her wonderful, imaginative Dad. When he mysteriously disappears, Phoebe, Perry, Becks and their mum must leave everything behind and move to a small cottage in the middle of nowhere. Struggling to feel at home and missing her Dad terribly, Phoebe's only distraction is her guinea pig Daisy. Until the family discover the thrilling steam trains at the railway station and suddenly, every day is filled with adventure. But Phoebe still can't help wondering, what is Mum hiding and more worryingly is Dad okay?